Recubrimientos Metálicos Vicente S.L.

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  • Certification

    Our goal is the complete satisfaction of our customers, by producing high quality finishes in any range of coating; using specific materials and processes while at the same time respecting the environment. Proof of this is the certificates the company has steadily acquired for the electrolytic processes, Management System and Health and Safety System since 2001. These are: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Agenda 21 for Good Practice and OHSAS 18001.

    RMV belongs to the EACCEL platform (Aragonese Strategy on Climate Change and Clean Energy), with which it collaborates actively.

    Certificado ISO 9001:2015  (español)
    Certificate ISO 9001:2015  (english)
    Certificat ISO 9001:2015  (français)

    Certificado ISO 14001:2015 (español)
    Certificate ISO 14001:2015 (english)
    Certificat ISO 14001:2015 (français)